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Home 9 Sexual Harassment 9 How workplace harassment has taken a digital turn

How workplace harassment has taken a digital turn

by | Jul 25, 2022 | Sexual Harassment

In the past, harassment in the workplace was limited to face-to-face interactions with hostile or discriminating managers, co-workers or others. Today, though, the digital era has introduced an all-new type of workplace harassment – digital harassment.

Today, those guilty of harassing others have several options to do so. While face-to-face interactions may still occur, more commonly, digital harassment via email and social media are used. Learn more about the seriousness of this situation and the legal rights you have here.

The scope of digital workplace harassment

It’s important for employees to be instructed that using any type of electronic device to send offensive messages or material to co-workers, no matter if the person is on duty or off, is considered workplace harassment. Because of how common these messages are today, it’s up to employers to implement policies that will reduce cases of cyberbullying at work.

If social media or any other type of digital harassment is not stopped, then the employer may be the one that’s held liable for these actions, no matter if the devices used are provided by the business. Additionally, even if the employer isn’t aware of the harassment from when it began, they can still be held liable.

Preventing digitals harassment

Digital harassment via social media and email is just as offensive as face-to-face interactions. Preventing cases of digital harassment requires additional effort by employers because of how the messages are delivered. Because of the impact any harassment can have, employers should take steps and implement programs to prevent these situations.

Protecting your legal rights in cases of workplace harassment

Workplace harassment is a serious issue that occurs across virtually all industries today. However, with digital harassment, the issues have become more widespread and more difficult to track. Knowing your legal options for handling your harassment situations is a must.